If you receive a ‘Something went wrong’ error after a fresh install of Microsoft Office 365, please follow these simple steps:

Type ‘email account’ in your Windows Search Bar and click on Add, remove or manage email accounts.

Then select and remove the account shown as below.

Once the account is removed, please close and re-open the Microsoft application and log in with your NHSMail account ending in @nhs.net.

After authenticating you, check that Office 365 is displaying your correct account on the top right hand side :

The process now should have completed successfully and you're free to use your latest Office suite!

If you're experiencing further issues, please don't hesitate to log a ticket through our IT Portal: https://servicedesk.scft.nhs.uk/support/catalog/items/374

Further Guidance: https://digital.nhs.uk/services/remote-clinical-desktop/guidance-on-known-issues-and-errors