Arundel Board Room Set up
Panasonic TV (blue) furthest away from NUC - nearest sliding doors
5 m HDMI cable (blue) from Panasonic to HDMI splitter (Out) (green)
From HDMI splitter 5 m HDMI cable (green) to NUC (silver)
Mics get daisy chained.
Mic pod hub (red) to Table Hub (red)
Table Hub (red) has 3 leads going into it:
Mic Pod Hub (red)
Ethernet (red) that goes to display hub (yellow)
HDMI In 1(red) to display hub (yellow) HDMI Out 1
Table Hub power (red) to Power gang
Display Hub (yellow):
Ethernet (yellow) to Table Hub (red)
HDMI Out 1 (yellow) to Table Hub (red) HDMI In 1
Printer cable USB Type B (yellow) to NUC USB A (silver)
2 speakers (yellow) to Display Hub (DIN connections)
Display Hub Power (yellow) to Power gang
NUC (Silver/white)
Ethernet cable to port
HDMI cable (silver) from HDMI In HDMI splitter green
USB A (silver) to USB B (yellow) Display Hub
NUC power (silver) to Power gang
Power to Power gang
TAP USB A to NUC USB A (silver)
Cameras - 2
Logitech small (930e) with tripod to front of NUC (silver). May need usb extension cable
Plug both in!
Larger camera (Rally) on own goes to Display Hub (yellow) - doesn't need separate power
Set default camera via settings on tap in peripherals camera to C930e (not Rally
Larger camera on own (Rally) with extension cable needs external power & uses "power splitter for Rally" (orange)
Power splitter (orange to power cable (orange)
Splitter cable USB C (unmarked) goes to camera
Extension orange goes in splitter to NUC USB A silver
Volume should always be down to zero or muted on the TVs