
As part of our ongoing Office 365 project, we will be migrating staff personal data to Microsoft OneDrive for Business OneDrive - NHS, a Microsoft cloud-based file storage solution. Currently, your personal work folders Desktop and Documents (Home Drive) and Pictures are not stored locally on your device but are redirected to a server location, making them accessible from any trust device you log in to. 

The aim of this project is to move your personal work folders from our file servers to ‘OneDrive - NHS’. After the completion of your migration, you will continue to have the same local availability of those folders when you log in to any trust device, but there will be a few user interface changes. Additionally, you will benefit from direct access to your personal work data through your ‘OneDrive - NHS’ online.

The Process

You will receive a confirmation email upon the successful completion of the migration process. This email will advise you to click the migration icon and follow the instructions provided in this guide to complete the setup of your folders and log in to 'OneDrive - NHS'.

Migration Completion - Required Actions

Please follow these steps after you receive a confirmation email that your personal work folders move is completed.

  • Verify the migration icon is on your desktop and ensure you know your NHSmail password before clicking the icon. If the icon is not visible, please use this form to submit a ticket. 


  • Click the migration icon on your desktop at your earliest convenience. This can be on your next working day.  If you are on leave when your migration is completed, you can click the icon when you return to work. If the icon is not clicked within five days from the confirmation email date, it will be automatically activated on your next login.

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  • A pop-up message will appear to confirm the success of your migration. Click 'OK' to continue.  If you receive a different message, please refer to the 'Known Issues & Fixes' section.

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  • Follow the prompts to log in to ‘OneDrive - NHS’ using your NHSmail credentials and authentication method. click 'Next' at each stage of the setup wizard as shown in the following screenshots.
    • If you come across the option 'Start back up'  please choose it.
    • If you see the message 'OneDrive - NHS' folder already exists, select 'Use it.'

HelloA screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generatedA screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


  • Check your ‘OneDrive – NHS’ folder in File Explorer for the presence of 'Desktop', 'Documents', and 'Pictures' folders.

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  • Files and folders on your ‘Desktop’ and in ‘Documents’ should be accessible as expected, though some may take up to the next day to appear.

  • The migration window will stay active in the background for another 5-10 minutes to finish up some tasks. You can minimize it and keep working without any disruptions, but please avoid logging out or shutting down until it disappears.

Post Migration - Important Notes

  • Once you log in to ‘OneDrive - NHS’, a blue cloud icon will be visible. From then on, it will automatically start each time you log into your device.

  • Your Home Drive (H or I Drive) will remain accessible as read-only for 10 days after you receive the confirmation email. Although all data should be available in the 'Documents' folder, this is a precaution in case anything is missing. After that, Home Drive will be removed from your file explorer.

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  • If you click the migration icon without completing the OneDrive login process, your desktop and documents folders may appear empty. This issue can be resolved by clicking the migration icon again and logging in to 'OneDrive - NHS'. Therefore, we recommend completing the login when prompted to ensure a seamless experience.

  • After completing the migration and logging into OneDrive, you may receive emails warning you about synced files that contain Personal Identifiable Data (PID). Please remove these files, in accordance with the 'OneDrive – NHS' usage policy. This policy also details the types of files and folders that shouldn't be stored on your 'OneDrive - NHS'."

  • Special Cases: 
    • Hidden Items: Hidden files and folders will not be migrated.
    • Special Characters: File and folder names containing special characters (e.g., “, *, <, >, ?, /, \ , |) will be migrated with these characters replaced by underscores (_). In rare cases, this process may fail.
    • Length Restrictions: Files or folders with names exceeding 255 characters or paths exceeding 400 characters will not be migrated

         If you notice any missing items within two weeks of your migration, please submit a ticket using our dedicated form so we can locate and copy the missing files/folders to your OneDrive.


Known Issues & Fixes




You get the error below during the OneDrive login and after you enter your NHSmail credential.


Click continue and you should be able to complete the login process with no issues.

The migration process reaches Step 13, and the OneDrive login window does not automatically appear as shown below.



If the OneDrive login prompt does not show up, you can access it from one of the two locations below. 

  • Open your file explorer and on the left side click ‘OneDrive’.


  • Click the grey cloud icon at the right of your task bar.


You click the migration icon but do not complete the login to OneDrive. As a result, your desktop and ‘Documents’ appear empty.

This issue can be resolved by clicking the icon again and logging in to OneDrive. Therefore, we recommend completing the login when prompted to ensure a seamless experience

Upon completing your migration, you may encounter an issue where the OneDrive client no longer auto-starts when you log in to your device, and the icon is absent from your taskbar
Click the Start menu, find the OneDrive shortcut under the letter "O", and then click it to run the OneDrive client. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to log in with your NHSmail credentials. 

From then on, OneDrive should automatically start after logging into your computer. If it does not, please submit a ticket to the helpdesk using the this form.

Upon completing your migration, you may find that trying to access a file or folder located in your Documents (Home Drive) or Desktop folders using Quick Access shortcuts results in read-only access. You will not be able to edit, delete a file, or create new file within them.
This occurs because the Quick Access shortcuts for the Documents or Desktop folders (or any subfolders within them) may still point to their old locations (before migration), which are now read-only and should not be used. To resolve this:
  • Remove the old shortcuts: Right-click on the Quick Access shortcut and select "Remove from Quick Access."
  • Pin the correct folder: Navigate to the same folder location within your "OneDrive - NHS" folder. Right-click the folder and select "Pin to Quick Access." This will pin the folder with its new OneDrive path.


Support & Feedback

For questions about the project or any issues or problems encountered during your migration and login to 'OneDrive - NHS', kindly raise a ticket through the dedicated form and we'll respond as quickly as possible



Server Team

IT Department

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust